Friday, February 6, 2009


Question: Hi everyone

I am currently trying to test the limitations of the restrictions that can be enforced by using object S_TABU_LIN, this allows users to only see particular rows of a table depending the restrictions in place.

I am having problems when testing this, as I do not know many table names or what fields lay in what tables - can anyone suggest the values that should sit in S_TABU_LIN and the table/s this relates to?

I dont mind what it does or doesnt let me see because at the moment its simply for testing, i just want it to produce an authorisation error so can see it working and work from that.

also does the role have to have access to the authorisation group (in S_TABU_DIS) which the table lies. For example if you are trying to restrict seeing parts of HR master data in S_TABU_LIN would you need authorisation group PA in S_TABU_DIS??

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