Friday, February 6, 2009

SAP S_TABU_LIN set up as organizational level

Question: Hello,

I have started to look at the use of S_TABU_LIN to restrict table record maintenance on BUKRS , KOKRS; WERKS and EKORG. What I want is to be able to set these restricitons as organizational levels as we are using template roles which by inheritance will be used at about 200 different companies.

Has anyone tried this ?

Is it possible or not ?

You can create orglevels using the report SAP provides (PFCG_ORGFIELD_CREATE) . Note BUKRS already is an orglevel . SO test it before you go too far and read the results of the test results closely before you implement.

This is not possible. It would mean 2 fields as OrgLevel:
First defining the field OrgCriteria definition as organzational level, and supplementary to that the needed values.
Both fields are in the object S_TABU_LIN. How would the system know which value belongs to whicht OrgCrit?

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