Friday, February 13, 2009

Background Processing VS Batch processing

Can someone tell me what the difference between backgroud processing and batch processing is. Also does the access to this function be limited.

I have a requrinment where they want everyone to have access to batch processing and just wanted to know how i should be handling this request.

Please help

You have to get clarification from the requester. Most often Batch and background mean the same. There is a SAP useage which means Batch Data Communication ( BDC) that is sometimes refered to as Batch but most often refered to as BDC. Batch anf Background is controlles with S_BTCH_JOB and BDC is S_BDC_MONI. You need clarification fromt he requester.

And if the user also has S_BTCH_ADM = Y and S_BTCH_NAM = DDIC (or *), then they can schedule the jobs, release, delete etc (as per S_BTCH_JOB actions permitted), but.. in the name of and with the authorizations of the other user names.

You can check with SUIM reports who can use your user account (for example) without having to know your password.

The myth that one cannot logon with a batch user is therefore true, because you don't need to logon with it...


There is no myth about "loggin on to a Batch id" it does logon to run the batch job it just cannot be used in DIALOG mode. S_BTCH_NAM allows you to run a batch job using that users' access be it DDIC ( which should not have SAP_ALL) or any other id BATCH or DIALOG.

There is no myth about "loggin on to a Batch id" it does logon to run the batch job it just cannot be used in DIALOG mode. S_BTCH_NAM allows you to run a batch job using that users' access be it DDIC ( which should not have SAP_ALL) or any other id BATCH or DIALOG.

It does logon, but unlike Communication users, the password is not critical for this login so you can change it. Like Communication users, one does not have to know what the password is... just access to see that someone once did and left it behind in the system. For Communication users one does not need to know the password either, but changing it, would make the access to the user more difficult.

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