Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Workload Collector Monitor in CCMS

You can use the Workload Collector monitor to monitor the workload collectors of your system. Differentiate between two situations when doing so:

· Instances with ABAP Engines (ABAP application servers); statistical records for these servers are read by the workload collector RSSTAT83 (see Structure linkDisplaying and Changing the Scheduling of the Performance Collectors), saved in the performance database MONI, and constantly reorganized. The workload is analyzed in the Structure linkWorkload Monitor (transaction ST03N).

· Components with no ABAP Engine. There are currently collectors for the ITS (Internet Transaction Server) and the J2EE Engine; other components will be included in the future.

On the monitored components, statistics records are generated that are aggregated to daily data through a preaggregation step. The Structure linkCCMS agent SAPCCMSR transfers the values to a central monitoring system. You can monitor the messages and the workload of the component collectors, and the frame programs for controlling these collectors using this monitor.

This graphic is explained in the accompanying text


You can use the Structure linkGlobal Workload Monitor (Transaction ST03G), to monitor the workload of ABAP instances and non-ABAP components.


To be able to monitor the workload of non-ABAP components, the CCMS agent SAPCCMSR must be installed on the host of the corresponding component. For information about installing SAPCCMSR, see Structure linkInstalling and Registering CCMS Agents.


The monitor contains the following monitoring tree elements (MTEs):

MTE Name
(MTE Class)


None-R/3-Workload Statistic

Subtree with the non-ABAP components for which statistics records are reported and the frame program that controls the associated collectors


Subtree with the non-ABAP components that are registered in the CCMS System Component Repository

Component Collector Messages

Messages of the component collector. The collector reads statistical data about its component through the agent and aggregates this data; by default, the collector runs once an hour.

Number of processed records

Number of statistics records that are read from the agent and aggregated per run of the component collector

Preaggregation Time

Processing time of the statistics record per run of the component collector during which the individual records are aggregated to preaggregates; the daily aggregates of a component are calculated using the preaggregates

Workload Collector Frame

Subtree of the frame program for the workload collector; the program runs once an hour and starts the various component collectors

Collectorframe Messages

Messages of the frame program; this attribute contains, for example, messages about:

· Starting and stopping the component collectors

· Connection problems to the agent for the component

· Incomplete registration of the component in the SCR

Collectorframe Runtime

Runtime of the frame program

R/3 Workload Statistic

Subtree with information about collecting the ABAP statistics records

R/3-Workload Collector (RSSTAT83)

Subtree with runtime information for the workload collector RSSSTAT83

R/3-Collector Messages

Messages of the workload collector.

R/3-Collector Runtime

Runtime of the workload collector.


Subtrees for the ABAP application servers

Processed R/3-Statisticrecords

Number of statistics records that are read on the relevant server per run of the workload collector


To start the monitor, follow the procedure below:


1. Start the Alert Monitor using transaction RZ20 or choose CCMS ®Control/Monitoring ®Alert Monitor.

2. On the CCMS Monitor Sets screen, expand the SAP CCMS Monitor Templates set.

3. Start the Workload Collector monitor from the list by double-clicking it.

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