Friday, September 12, 2008

Scheduling and Executing a Report BASIS

A report displays Central Performance History (CPH) data. The prerequisite for the execution of a report is that a suitable report definition exists (see Creating a Report Definition). You can execute a report on the basis of a definition of this type; either directly or scheduled as a periodic job.

When you execute a report, you define the report properties that are not determined by the report definition. You define the following properties when you execute the report:

· Period to which the report should refer

· File format in which the report should be output (file type, direct output to the screen or to the database)

· Layout of the report

· Settings that allow the report to be executed regularly as a job


Executing and Scheduling a Report


1. You can execute a report from several functions:

¡ In the overview screen of the CPH (transaction RZ23N), choose, in the Data Output and Reporting group box, the Execute Reports pushbutton.

¡ Choose CCMS ® Configuration ® Alert Monitor, or call transaction RZ21. The Monitoring: Properties and Methods screen appears. Choose Technical Infrastructure ® Central Perf. History ® Execute Reports.

¡ You can display a standard report for the selected MTE classes directly in the Detail Data for Monitoring Attributes screen of the Alert Monitor (see Display Detail Data and Tailor Display). When you do this, daily data with an hourly resolution is used. To do this, choose Central Perf. History ® Display as Report.

2. In all cases, the Central Performance History Report Execution screen appears. The screen consists of two parts. In the left part of the screen, you define all settings for a manual or automatic report execution. This part of the screen has the following structure:

This graphic is explained in the accompanying text

3. Enter the desired definition in the input field Report Definition to be Executed.

4. In the Time Interval of the Report group box, enter the period to which the report should relate. The indicators have the following meaning:




Time period that stretches for a defined period into the past from the day of the report execution (such as Last 7 days or Last 3 Months); the current time unit is not displayed

Maximum Available Data

Smallest time interval that includes all time periods in which data exists for at least one of the MTE classes of the report

Minimum Available Data

Smallest time interval that includes all time periods in which data exists for all of the MTE classes of the report

Fixed Time Interval

Time interval that is defined using a start date and an end date; a fixed time interval is only useful for a direct (single) report execution.


This graphic is explained in the accompanying text

5. In the Report Output Target group box, enter the format in which the report is to be displayed. The indicators have the following meaning:



Output to the Screen

The report is displayed on the screen and is not saved. This is only possible for direct execution of the report.

Save in Report DB

The report is saved in a separate database. You can display the report any time in the Report Browser.

Save as ASCII file

The report is saved as an ASCII file. As an appendix to the report itself, the file contains the report properties.

Save as Microsoft Excel file

The report is saved as a Microsoft Excel file. As an appendix to the report itself, the file contains the report properties.

6. Enter the desired display mode. The two possible values have the following meaning:



one dimensional

For each row, the values for one point in time are displayed; a separate column is displayed for each group of the report

two dimensional

For each row, the values for a day are displayed (and therefore, depending on the resolution, between 1 and 1440 values). A separate row is displayed for each group of the report.

7. If you want to save the report as a file, specify where and under which name you want to save the file in the Filename and Path of the ASCII/Excel File/Name of the DB Entry group box.

If you want to save the report to the report database, specify in this group box the name under which the report is to be saved in the report database. If you do not specify a name, the name of the report definition used is used as the name.

8. If you want to execute the report directly, you can choose whether the file is to be saved on the local computer or on the current application server. If the report is scheduled as a job, the file can only be saved on an application server.


Choose the Job Settings pushbutton to specify the application server on which the job is to run for automatic report execution. Use an application server with as high availability as possible for this. If the report is saved as a file, the report is saved on this application server. If you do not specify a path, the file is saved in the home directory of the application server (profile parameter DIR_HOME).

To avoid the files for older reports being overwritten if the report is executed repeatedly, enter a question mark (?) (such as Report?.xls). When the file is saved, the question mark is replaced by the current date (such as Report20021031.xls).

9. If the report is to be regularly executed as a job, choose the Execute Periodically pushbutton. The Schedule Report group box is now available. You can specify the first execution and the period for job execution in this group box. To schedule the job, choose Schedule (This graphic is explained in the accompanying text).

10. If you want to execute the report directly, choose Execute Directly.

11. If you want to execute the report immediately in the background, choose Execute in Background.

Displaying and Editing the Report Settings that Are Automatically Executed

Reports that are executed in the background (see above) are displayed in the right part of the screen in the Active Automatic Report Executions in the Background table. All settings that you specified during the scheduling of this report are displayed in the columns of this table.

To change the settings, choose the desired scheduling by double clicking it, make the desired changes, and reschedule it by choosing Schedule (This graphic is explained in the accompanying text).


Note that the report definition is entered twice if you follow this procedure. If you do not want this, select the scheduling that you want to delete and choose Delete Selected Reporting Jobs (This graphic is explained in the accompanying text).

This graphic is explained in the accompanying text Central Performance History of the Monitoring Architecture start page

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