Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Methods (CCMS) in sap


You can assign methods to monitoring attributes, and access the method definitions using the Customizing transaction for the Alert Monitor, RZ21. A method can be a report, a function module, an SAP transaction, or a URL that is to be executed as a reaction to an alert. You can execute these methods within the Alert Monitor. If you double click, for example, the monitoring tree element (MTE) for prematurely terminated jobs, the monitoring architecture automatically starts the job management transaction, in which the job reported in the MTE is already selected.

All methods required for standard monitoring functions are predefined. You only need to change the method assignments if you add a new method or if you want to replace one of the SAP standard methods with a method of your own. You can transport method definitions to other SAP systems. However, this is only necessary for your own method definitions; the methods delivered by SAP already exist in all systems with the same SAP release.

Monitoring tree elements are assigned to MTE classes. An MTE class describes the general properties and method assignments that are common to a particular group of monitoring tree elements. The MTE class is also used in rule-based monitor definitions.


The Space Management monitoring object and the Free Space monitoring attribute, for example, both belong to the MTE class CCMS_DB_Freespace_MT. This means that both MTEs have the same general properties and method assignments.

You can also group methods assigned to MTE classes in properties variants. This has the advantage that you can run different methods in different properties variants, making the monitoring of SAP systems more flexible. Another advantage is that long-running methods can be run in the background.

The following methods exist:

· Data Collection Methods

These methods allow the collection of information about the SAP system and its environment that is then reported to the monitoring architecture. The method starts automatically or is automatically started by the Alert Monitor at specified time intervals.

A data collection method is, for example, an ABAP program that is responsible for the collection of information about an MTE.

· Auto-Reaction Methods

These methods start automatically when an alert is triggered. Almost no assignments are made in the standard SAP system; however, there are several predefined auto-reaction methods in the monitoring architecture that you can assign to any MTE classes:

· Send an E-Mail

· Execute an Operating System Command

· Execute an Auto-Reaction in the Central Monitoring System

· Analysis Method

This method allows a detailed analysis of error situations without leaving the Alert Monitor. You start an analysis method manually when you want to display information or investigate an alert.

An analysis method is, for example, an ABAP program for displaying information about a node in the monitoring tree and for collecting information about the problem that triggered an alert in this node.

This graphic is explained in the accompanying text

You can display the current method assignments of the MTEs of a monitor and the status of the assigned data collection and auto-reaction methods in an overview screen. To do this, display the technical views of the Alert Monitor.

See also:

Changing Properties and Method Assignments

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