Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Alert Monitor(CCMS)in sap

The monitoring architecture, a solution within SAP NetWeaver, centrally monitors any IT environments – from individual systems through networked SAP NetWeaver solutions, to complex IT landscapes incorporating several hundred systems. It is provided in SAP NetWeaver and can be used immediately after installation. You can easily extend the architecture to include SAP and non-SAP components.

Alerts form a central element of monitoring. They quickly and reliably report errors – such as values exceeding or falling below a particular threshold value or that an IT component has been inactive for a defined period of time. These alerts are displayed in the Alert Monitor; this reduces the workload for the system administration, since they now only need to watch the error messages, instead of endless system data.

The Alert Monitor is therefore the central tool with which you can efficiently administer and monitor distributed SAP NetWeaver solutions or client/server systems. The Alert Monitor displays problems quickly and reliably.

Implementation Considerations

If you want to use the Alert Monitor for central monitoring (that is, you want to monitor the systems of your IT landscape from a central monitoring system), you must perform various configuration steps yourself. These are described under Structure linkConfiguring the Monitoring Architecture.


The Alert Monitor provides the following functions:

· You can use the Alert Monitor to perform complete and detailed monitoring of all SAP and non-SAP systems, the host systems, and the database.

· All errors generate alerts, which are displayed in a tree structure.

· The alerts contain a status indicator with a color and a numerical value. Yellow means a warning, red means a problem, and the numerical value shows the severity of the reported error. In the tree structure, the most severe alerts are passed upward in the display hierarchy. If a tree node is not displaying an alert, there is also no error in the entire branch below it.

· You can assign certain analysis and auto-reaction methods to the alerts, which contribute to faster processing of the error. If you double-click an alert, the monitoring architecture starts the assigned analysis method (such as the job administration transaction for a prematurely terminated job). An auto-reaction method, on the other hand, starts automatically as soon as the alert occurs. This includes executing operating system commands and sending an e-mail or an SMS message to the system administration.

· The Alert Monitor contains various view in which either the current or the open (that is, the unanalyzed) problem messages are displayed. Alerts are also archived.

· Threshold values, methods, and detailed help for many monitoring attributes and three extensive monitor sets with monitors for all aspects of system management are predefined on the basis of Best Practices in the monitoring architecture and are available in every SAP system.

· You can adjust all settings individually, and configure your own monitors.

Technical Basics: Data Supplier in CCMS

Data suppliers deliver all of the values that are displayed in the Alert Monitor. They each belong to the individual system components and create monitoring objects that report values to the monitoring architecture. These values are displayed in the monitor sets.

The monitoring architecture is delivered with the data suppliers for the most important components of your SAP system and its environment and can therefore be immediately used. When starting the Alert Monitor, you can see that the data suppliers for reporting for the following components are already active:

· The host systems on which your SAP system is running

· The database

· SAP instances (application servers) and their services and components

· Components outside the system

You do not need to prepare or activate the monitoring architecture. The data suppliers in your system are either started automatically when the system is started, or are started as they are required. There are two different types of data suppliers:

· Passive Data Suppliers are started by the monitoring architecture, which is why they must be defined there. “Passive” describes the behavior of the data supplier in relation to the monitoring architecture: it does not start itself, but rather must be started by the monitoring architecture. Passive data suppliers are also known as data collection methods.

· Active Data Suppliers are started by the monitored application rather than the monitoring architecture. These data suppliers are active in their start behavior in relation to the monitoring architecture.

A data supplier writes the values for the monitored objects in a segment of the shared memory known as the monitoring segment. This monitoring data can be transferred to the monitoring architecture in two ways:

· Using a defined ABAP interface, in the case of an SAP instance ‑ a free work process is required for this

· Using a Structure linkCCMS agent, for any server; the transfer is performed using a Remote Function Call (RFC)

This graphic is explained in the accompanying text


As the connection method using a CCMS agent does not require a free work process, the access method is therefore independent of error states of the SAP instance and therefore more robust. The CCMS agents also use push technology with which the agents report alerts automatically, if the central monitoring system is running SAP Web Application Server 6.10 or above. This helps to ensure a good performance, as the central monitoring system then no longer needs to periodically query the agents for alerts. We therefore recommend that you use CCMS agents when connecting remote systems to the central monitoring system.

Changing Properties and Method Assignments

Monitoring objects and attributes are assigned various properties and methods. There are default settings in the standard SAP System (which is delivered with the properties variant SAP_DEFAULT) for most nodes for properties and methods, meaning that you can already work with these settings.


Auto-reactions are an example. There are very few assignments of these in the standard SAP System. You can make your own assignments of these (see also: Selected Methods of the Alert Monitor).

If the standard settings do not meet your requirements, you can change the properties and method assignments at any time. You can make the changes both in the Alert Monitor and in the Customizing transaction RZ21. You can either make changes for the individual node itself or for the MTE class or attribute group, to which the node belongs (we recommend the latter).


The following cases occur most often in practice:

Desired Change


· the descriptive text for the node

· Severity and maximum number of alerts for the node

Change the General Properties of the node or of the MTE class ad described in Changing the Properties in the Alert Monitoring Tree and in Changing Properties in the Customizing Transaction RZ21

Trigger an alert if no value is reported for the node (heartbeat alert)

Change the general properties of the node or of the MTE class as described in Triggering a Heartbeat Alert if no Values Are Reported

Frequency of the data collection method of the node

Change the general properties of the node or of the MTE class as described in Changing the Frequency of the Method Execution

· Threshold value of the node
(performance attribute)

· Conditions for messages for which alerts are to be triggered (status and log attributes)

Change the Specific Properties of the node or of the MTE class ad described in Changing the Properties in the Alert Monitoring Tree and in Changing Properties in the Customizing Transaction RZ21

Assigning an auto-reaction method (especially Automatic Alert Notification)

Change the method assignment of the node or of the MTE class as described in Assigning Methods to MTE Classes or Individual MTEs

Alerts(CCMS) in sap


The Alert Monitor generates alerts in the monitored systems using threshold values and rules, if the status of the systems deviates from the norm. These alerts attract your attention to critical situations so that you do not have to search for them yourself. Auto-reaction methods can inform you about a problem, or react to it in some other way, even if you are not currently working in the Alert Monitor.

For the system administrator, an alert is an error report or a service request. You should react to every alert. Use the Alert Browser and the analysis method contained in the Alert Monitor to investigate the alert. If you have solved the problem, or are sure that you can safely ignore it, set the alert to complete. The system then removes this alert from the display and saves it to the alert database.

The alert monitor reports alerts up through the monitoring tree. This means that the color indicator for a node is always the color of the highest alert in all elements of its branch. If, for example, a host system has a red indicator, one or more components in the monitoring tree for the host system are displaying red alerts.

An alert is uniquely assigned to one monitoring tree element (MTE) in the monitoring tree. The alert is generated when values are sent from a data supplier to an MTE. The alert monitor evaluates this incoming information against alert thresholds. If the incoming data exceeds or violates a threshold, then the alert monitor triggers an alert. The alert monitor generates an alert for every abnormal status and keeps track of every alert until it is set to status complete.


You can also use a heartbeat alert to configure an MTE in such a way that an alert is generated if a data supplier fails to report values (see Triggering a Heartbeat Alert if No Values Are Reported).

Alert Threshold Values and Assignment to Attribute Groups

Reliable values for threshold values and the severity of alerts are predefined for all monitoring attributes. These settings are based on our extensive experience with SAP production systems.

Monitoring attributes are combined into attribute groups. An attribute group contains the threshold values that have common associated monitoring attributes. In this way, all instance-specific occurrences of the Response Time monitoring attribute belong by default to one attribute group. This means that the same threshold values are set for the response time in all instances of a system. If you want to change threshold values, you only need to change the value for the corresponding attribute group.

Alert Colors and their Meanings




Problem or Error




Everything OK


No information available


By default, no alert is generated in the case of a green message. However, you can activate the generation of “green alerts” for selected nodes (see Working with All-Clears (Green Alerts)).

Monitoring Objects and Attributes(CCMS) in sap


A monitoring object represents a component of the IT environment that is to be monitored, such as the CPU of a server, the dialog system, or background processing. Monitoring attributes are values, statuses, or texts that are reported to this object, such as the CPU utilization, or the average response time in the dialog system. A monitoring attribute can be assigned an alert. The selection of the monitoring objects is performed using the data suppliers that exist for all areas of system management.


Monitoring objects and their attributes are displayed in the alert monitoring tree as individual nodes in a hierarchical tree. If the data reported to the monitoring architecture exceeds or falls below the defined alert threshold values, an alert is triggered in the corresponding monitoring tree element.

There are five different types of monitoring attributes:

Attribute Type


This graphic is explained in the accompanying text Performance Attribute

Collects reported performance values and calculates the average

This graphic is explained in the accompanying text Status Attribute

Reports error message texts and alert status

This graphic is explained in the accompanying text Heartbeat Attribute

Checks whether components of the SAP system are active; if no values are reported for a monitoring attribute for a long time, it triggers an alert

This graphic is explained in the accompanying text Log Attribute

Checks log and trace files (these attributes can use an existing log mechanism, such as the SAP system log, or they can be used by an application for the implementation of a separate log)

This graphic is explained in the accompanying text Text Attribute

Allows a data supplier to report information that is not evaluated for alerts; the text can be updated as required

You can assign methods to monitoring attributes. A method can be a report, a function module, an SAP transaction, or a URL that is to executed as a reaction to an alert. You can execute these methods within the Alert Monitor. If you double click, for example, the MTE for prematurely terminated jobs, the monitoring architecture automatically starts the job management transaction, in which the job reported in the MTE is already selected.

See also:

Properties of Log Attributes

Properties of Performance Attributes

Properties of Status Attributes

MTE Classes and Attribute Groups(ccms) in sap


The alert monitoring tree consists of individual monitoring tree elements (MTEs). They are either components of your IT landscape that are to be monitored (monitoring objects), or values, statuses, or texts that are reported for these objects (see Monitoring Objects and Attributes). These MTEs are assigned to MTE classes and attribute groups in the monitoring architecture:

· An MTE class describes the general properties and method assignments that are common to a particular group of monitoring tree elements.

· An attribute group describes the common threshold values for alerts for a particular attribute type.


MTE classes and attribute groups simplify the Customizing of the Alert Monitor, since you do not need to change threshold values, properties, or methods individually for every MTE, but only for the corresponding attribute group or MTE class.

MTE classes also simplify the creation of your own rule-based monitors, since you do not need to specify every MTE individually when constructing the alert monitoring tree, but rather only the corresponding MTE classes.

The classification of the MTEs to MTE classes and attribute groups is already fully predefined. You do not need to make any changes to be able to use this classification.


If you want to change the properties, methods, or threshold values, the system displays a message informing you whether the change refers only to an individual MTE or to the corresponding MTE class or attribute group. You can change this default value (see Changing Properties and Method Assignments).


· MTE Class:

The Space Management monitoring object and the Free Space monitoring attribute both belong to the MTE class CCMS_DB_Freespace_MT. This means that both MTEs have the same general properties and method assignments.

· Attribute Group:

All instance-specific occurrences of the Response Timemonitoring attribute belong by default to a single attribute group. This means that the same threshold values are set in all of the instances of a system and that changes to the threshold values apply to all instances.

Methods (CCMS) in sap


You can assign methods to monitoring attributes, and access the method definitions using the Customizing transaction for the Alert Monitor, RZ21. A method can be a report, a function module, an SAP transaction, or a URL that is to be executed as a reaction to an alert. You can execute these methods within the Alert Monitor. If you double click, for example, the monitoring tree element (MTE) for prematurely terminated jobs, the monitoring architecture automatically starts the job management transaction, in which the job reported in the MTE is already selected.

All methods required for standard monitoring functions are predefined. You only need to change the method assignments if you add a new method or if you want to replace one of the SAP standard methods with a method of your own. You can transport method definitions to other SAP systems. However, this is only necessary for your own method definitions; the methods delivered by SAP already exist in all systems with the same SAP release.

Monitoring tree elements are assigned to MTE classes. An MTE class describes the general properties and method assignments that are common to a particular group of monitoring tree elements. The MTE class is also used in rule-based monitor definitions.


The Space Management monitoring object and the Free Space monitoring attribute, for example, both belong to the MTE class CCMS_DB_Freespace_MT. This means that both MTEs have the same general properties and method assignments.

You can also group methods assigned to MTE classes in properties variants. This has the advantage that you can run different methods in different properties variants, making the monitoring of SAP systems more flexible. Another advantage is that long-running methods can be run in the background.

The following methods exist:

· Data Collection Methods

These methods allow the collection of information about the SAP system and its environment that is then reported to the monitoring architecture. The method starts automatically or is automatically started by the Alert Monitor at specified time intervals.

A data collection method is, for example, an ABAP program that is responsible for the collection of information about an MTE.

· Auto-Reaction Methods

These methods start automatically when an alert is triggered. Almost no assignments are made in the standard SAP system; however, there are several predefined auto-reaction methods in the monitoring architecture that you can assign to any MTE classes:

· Send an E-Mail

· Execute an Operating System Command

· Execute an Auto-Reaction in the Central Monitoring System

· Analysis Method

This method allows a detailed analysis of error situations without leaving the Alert Monitor. You start an analysis method manually when you want to display information or investigate an alert.

An analysis method is, for example, an ABAP program for displaying information about a node in the monitoring tree and for collecting information about the problem that triggered an alert in this node.

This graphic is explained in the accompanying text

You can display the current method assignments of the MTEs of a monitor and the status of the assigned data collection and auto-reaction methods in an overview screen. To do this, display the technical views of the Alert Monitor.

See also:

Changing Properties and Method Assignments

Operating the Alert Monitor(CCMS) insap


The following section contains a short overview of the operation of the Alert Monitor. For more information, see the Tutorial for the Alert Monitor.

Process Flow

To perform a a periodic check of your monitored systems, follow the procedure below:

  1. Start the alert monitor by calling transaction RZ20.

The system displays the CCMS Monitor Sets screen. Every monitor set contains monitors that deliver information for a particular system management topic. Expand a monitor set and choose the required monitor by double clicking it.


You can copy, change, and create new monitor sets and monitors. The icons after the monitor sets display whether a monitor set was delivered by SAP (This graphic is explained in the accompanying text) or created by the customer (This graphic is explained in the accompanying text), and whether you are authorized to change the set (This graphic is explained in the accompanying text) or not (This graphic is explained in the accompanying text).

  1. The system displays the
  2. tree structure of the desired monitor. The system is displaying the Current Status view in which you can monitor the current values of your monitoring attributes. If you want to analyze an alert, choose the corresponding monitoring tree element (MTE) by double clicking it.
  3. You can then check what has happened since the last check in the system. Use the Open Alerts monitoring view to see if there have been yellow or red alerts (warnings or problems). If you choose an alert in this view by double clicking it, the system displays the
  4. Alert-Browser. This displays all alerts that have not yet been analyzed in a flat hierarchy.
  5. After you have analyzed an alert and taken the necessary action, set it to Completed to remove it from the display of open alerts.

See Also:

Change Views: Current Status/Open Alerts

Tutorial for the Alert Monitor(CCMS)in sap


The following section provides a detailed guide to using the Alert Monitor.



1. Choose CCMS ® Control/Monitoring ® Alert Monitor, or call transaction RZ20.

The system displays the CCMS Monitor Sets.

2. Expand one of the monitor sets by placing the cursor on the CCMS monitor sets and then choose Edit ® Expand Tree.

SAP delivers various standard monitor sets, such as SAP CCMS Monitor Templates or SAP CCMS Technical Expert Monitors. These monitor sets are always available.

3. Display the Entire System monitor of the SAP CCMS Monitor Templates monitor set by placing the cursor on the monitor and choosing Start Monitor.

The monitor displays the tree in the last-used format. The monitoring tree is a hierarchical display of monitoring objects (system components) and monitoring attributes (information types for objects) in the system.

For this tutorial, expand the alert monitoring tree, if the entire hierarchy is not displayed. Place the cursor on the Entire System line and choose Edit ® Tree ® Expand Tree ® Expand Subtree.


In addition to the Entire Systemmonitor, there are also predefined monitors for particular purposes. For example, if you are a database administrator, you can open the Database monitor instead of the Entire System monitor.

Another special monitor is the CCMS Selfmonitoring monitor in the SAP CCMS Technical Expert Monitors monitor set. This monitor displays possible problems in the alert monitor and the monitoring architecture. Check in this monitor whether all of the data collection methods started by the Alert Monitor are running correctly.

4. Check the current status of your system.


a. Display the current system status in your monitor.

Choose the Current Status view, if it is not already selected. In the Current Status view, you can see the performance values and status messages that have been most recently reported to the Alert Monitor.


Older alerts that are still open (that is, not yet completed) are no longer labeled with colors.

b. Check the color indicators in the monitoring tree.

The colors of the nodes in the tree mean the following:

Green: The component is running correctly.

Yellow: The system is issuing a warning.

Red: The system is reporting a problem or a critical state.

Gray: No data is being delivered for the node.


To display a legend for the colors and icons used in the Alert Monitor, choose Extras ® Legend.

The alert monitor passes the highest alert level up the monitoring tree. For example, if the monitoring tree element (MTE) with the name of your system is green, this means that all components in the monitoring tree for the system have this status. There are therefore no warnings or problems.

Choose an MTE by double-clicking it to start the associated analysis method. The analysis method displays more detailed information about the current status of the MTE.

You can optionally specify an automatic refresh of the display. Choose Extras ® Display options, and switch to the General tab. In the Refresh display box, select the option Yes, interval and enter the interval for the refresh. The default value is 300 seconds or longer. If the automatic refresh is deactivated, the alert monitor displays the data that was available when the alert monitor was started.

5. Check what has happened recently in the Open Alerts view


The color indicators in this view do not show the current status of the system (see Changing Views: Current Status/Open Alerts).

At the start of your working day or after your lunch break, you can use the Open Alerts view to check what has happened in the system during your absence. The monitor stores the alerts for you, even if the status that triggered the alert has improved in the meantime.

6. React to an alert.

In the monitoring tree, yellow entries mean warnings and red entries mean errors.

Proceed as follows:

Ensure that you are in the Open Alerts view.

The monitor is now displaying how many alerts exist for each MTE. It is also displaying the most important of the waiting alert messages.

Place the cursor on a yellow or red MTE and choose Display Alerts.

The system opens the Alert Browser and displays the open alerts for the relevant MTE. The Alert Browser displays all alerts in the branch of the tree that you selected. Move the cursor further up the monitoring tree to display a wider range of alerts. Select an MTE on the lowest level to display only the alerts for this MTE.

Analyze an alert.

Each line in the Alert Browser provides overview information for an alert, including the alert message.

The browser also provides two additional information sources. Select an alert and choose one of the following buttons:

- Start Analysis Method
By choosing this button, you start the transaction for problem analysis or the analysis method for an alert. New analysis methods are constantly being added to the system. Not all MTEs already have an analysis method (see Starting Methods).

For problems with buffers, for example, you can start the Buffer Tuning Summary from the Alert Monitor.

- Display Details
You can use this function to display the details for the monitoring tree element. These include the current values or status messages, the alert threshold values, and the performance data for the last measurement period (only for performance MTEs). You can display the performance data graphically by selecting the relevant line and choosing Display Performance Values Graphically.

7. If the alert is resolved, set it to Complete.

Once you have analyzed the problem and have either resolved it or ensured that you can safely ignore it, you can set the problem to Complete.

Select the alert and choose Complete Alert. The Alert Monitor deletes the alert from the list of open alerts (see Completing Alerts).

Start and Change Monitors(CCMS) in sap

A monitor provides monitoring objects and attributes for a system administration topic. These monitors are grouped into monitor sets that each contain several monitors.

To be able to quickly check all relevant monitoring objects (for example, during a periodic check of your monitored systems), it can be useful to switch between monitors quickly and without intermediate steps.

Start a Monitor

  1. Choose CCMS ® Control/Monitoring ® Alert Monitor, or call transaction RZ20.
  2. Expand the monitor set that contains the monitor that you require, choose Start Monitor, or choose the desired monitor by double clicking it.

Switch Between Monitors

You can switch between monitors in a monitor set without first closing the monitor that you have open.

  1. Choose CCMS ® Control/Monitoring ® Alert Monitor, or call transaction RZ20.
  2. Expand the monitor set that contains the monitors that you require and choose Start Monitor.
  3. To switch to the next monitor in the monitor set, choose Goto ® Previous Monitor (This graphic is explained in the accompanying text) or Next Monitor (This graphic is explained in the accompanying text).

Actions in the Alert Monitoring Tree(CCMS)

The alert monitoring tree provides you with an overview of the system status of monitored systems. There are various options for displaying and checking the alerts that have occurred. The most important commands that you can use in the alert monitoring tree are described here.


  • Choose Expand Tree (This graphic is explained in the accompanying text) or the folder icon (This graphic is explained in the accompanying text) directly in front of the relevant branch in the Alert Monitor to expand the individual branches of the alert monitoring tree.
  • Choose Compress Tree (This graphic is explained in the accompanying text) or the folder icon (This graphic is explained in the accompanying text) directly in front of the relevant branch in the Alert Monitor to compress the individual branches of the alert monitoring tree.
  • Select an element in the monitoring tree and choose
  • F1 to display a description of the element.
  • If the central data cache is active in the display of the alert monitoring tree (this sentence is then displayed at the top of the monitoring tree), you can delete the entries of the central data cache and regenerate the monitor. To do this, choose Refresh and Invalidate Data Cache (This graphic is explained in the accompanying text).

This command is useful if you want to ensure that the alert monitoring tree is correctly displayed after making changes to individual monitoring tree elements or entire subtrees (see Setting Up the Central Data Cache).

  • In the Current Status display, choose an element by double clicking it to start the analysis method assigned to this element. You can use this to analyze and complete any alerts that exist (see
  • Starting Methods).
  • In the Open Alerts display, choose an element by double clicking it to start the
  • Alert Browser. This displays all alerts that have not yet been analyzed.
  • Choose Display Details (This graphic is explained in the accompanying text) to display the detail data for this element. This includes, above all, the values reported for this element during the last 24 hours (see
  • Display Detail Data and Tailor Display).
  • Choose Properties to display the
  • Properties and Methods assigned to the element. These include, above all, the threshold values for warnings and problems (yellow and red alerts) and the associated analysis and auto-reaction methods.
  • Choose Extras ® Activate Maintenance Function to be able to make changes to monitors. The Change Monitor pushbutton (This graphic is explained in the accompanying text) then appears in addition on the toolbar.
  • To switch between different monitors or monitor sets, choose Previous Monitor (This graphic is explained in the accompanying text) and Next Monitor (This graphic is explained in the accompanying text).

See also:

Selecting Nodes in the Alert Monitoring Tree

Tutorial for the Alert Monitor

Selecting Nodes in the Alert Monitoring Tree(CCMS)

You can only access many functions for monitoring tree elements (MTEs) in the alert monitoring tree once you have selected the relevant MTEs. This is simplest for individual MTEs, which you can select by selecting the indicator in front of the MTE. There are also various commands with which you can quickly select a larger number of MTEs.


Selecting MTEs in the Tree

To call the individual functions in the table, choose CCMS ® Control/Monitoring ® Alert Monitor, or call transaction RZ20. Now select the required monitor and choose Edit ® Selections ® Select and one of the following options:

Menu Path


Node (MTE)

Select the currently selected node


Select the currently selected node with the complete subtree below the selected node

All Nodes (MTE)

Select all nodes in the current monitor

Objects Only

Select all monitoring objects (see Monitoring Objects and Attributes) below the selected node (including the selected node)

Attributes Only

Select all monitoring attributes (see Monitoring Objects and Attributes) below the selected node (including the selected node)

Nodes (MTE) of a Class

Select all MTEs that belong to the same MTE class as the selected MTE

Deleting Selection of MTEs in the Tree

To call the individual functions in the table, choose CCMS ® Control/Monitoring ® Alert Monitor, or call transaction RZ20. Now select the required monitor and choose Edit ® Selections ® Delete Selections and one of the following options:

Menu Path


Node (MTE)

Delete the selection of the currently selected node without the subordinate subtrees


Delete the selection of the currently selected node with the complete subtree below the selected node

All Nodes (MTE)

Delete the selection of all nodes in the current monitor

Objects Only

Delete the selection of all monitoring objects (see Monitoring Objects and Attributes) below the selected node (including the selected node)

Attributes Only

Delete the selection of all monitoring attributes (see Monitoring Objects and Attributes) below the selected node (including the selected node)

Nodes (MTE) of a Class

Delete the selection of all MTEs that belong to the same MTE class as the selected MTE

Display Overview of All Selected MTEs in the Monitoring Tree

  1. Choose CCMS ® Control/Monitoring ® Alert Monitor, or call transaction RZ20.
  2. Expand the monitor set that contains the monitors that you require and choose Start Monitor.
  3. Select the desired MTEs.
  4. Choose Edit
  5. ® Selections ® Show selections.

Set Selection Behavior

  1. Choose CCMS ® Control/Monitoring ® Alert Monitor, or call transaction RZ20.
  2. Expand the monitor set that contains the monitors that you require and choose Start Monitor.
  3. Select Edit
  4. ® Selections ® Selection Behavior.
  5. In the Selections by Operation group box select one of the radio buttons Hold or Delete. By doing so, you decide whether the selection is retained after an operation (such as Display Details).

See Also:

Actions in the Alert Monitoring Tree

Elements of the Alert Monitor (CCMS)

The following section describes the most important elements of the Alert Monitor and their relationships to each other.


When you start transaction RZ20, the system first displays the monitor sets available to you. These monitor sets group the monitors.

A monitor set usually consists of different monitors. A monitor is a collection of monitoring tree elements (MTEs) in a hierarchical structure that deliver information for a particular aspect of system management.

The hierarchical structure of a monitor is the alert monitoring tree. In this tree, you can check the status of your IT system landscape. The MTEs are nodes of this tree, where the root node also has the name of the monitor.

Different MTEs are Elements of the Alert Monitoring Tree: monitoring summary nodes, monitoring objects, and monitoring attributes. Monitoring summary nodes (summary MTEs) provide a better overview in the tree, without performing a monitoring function themselves.

A monitoring object represents a component of your IT environment that you want to monitor (such as the CPU of a server or background processing), while a monitoring attribute displays a value, status, or text that is reported for this object (for example, the CPU utilization during the last 15 minutes).

If a value that deviates from the norm is reported for a monitoring attribute, the Alert Monitor generates an alert. The conditions under which an alert is generated, the criticality of the alert, or which message is assigned to an MTE – all of these are properties of an MTE.

In addition to its properties, an MTE has methods: the data collection method allows the collection of information about the MTE, the auto-reaction method and analysis method are executed as a reaction to an alert.

To simplify Customizing, the properties and methods do not need to be edited for each MTE individually: There are attribute groups for attributes, and MTE classes for objects.

Operation and Customizing of the Elements of the Alert Monitor




Monitor set

Creating and Editing Monitor Sets

Transporting Monitor Sets and Monitor Definitions


Starting and Changing Monitors

Copying, Renaming, and Deleting Monitors

Creating and Changing Monitors

Alert Monitoring Tree

Actions in the Alert Monitoring Tree

Selecting Nodes in the Alert Monitoring Tree


Starting Methods

Defining, Releasing, and Transporting Methods

Selected Alert Monitor Methods


Properties of Performance Attributes

Properties of Status Attributes


Handling Alerts

MTE Classes and Attribute Groups

Rule Node: Rule Description and Use

Monitor Sets (CCMS)


As a system administrator, you can conveniently monitor your system with monitor sets. A monitor set contains several monitors. In turn these monitors consist of subtrees of all available objects. You can group the monitors according to task, by setting up several monitor sets in parallel.

You can either create the monitor sets temporarily, in order to solve a problem and then delete them, or you can store them permanently in the system.


The SAP System contains three predefined standard monitor sets:

· SAP CCMS Monitor Templates

The monitors in the SAP CCMS Monitor Templates monitor set display the monitoring objects and attributes that are crucial for the monitoring of your SAP systems and which are used for normal system administration.

· SAP CCMS Technical Expert Monitors

Use the monitors in the SAP CCMS Technical Expert Monitors monitor set to monitor the monitoring architecture itself and to analyze problems in this area.

For example, you can use the CCMS Selfmonitoring monitor for internal monitoring or All Monitoring Contexts to view all available contexts in your systems.

· SAP CCMS Monitors for Optional Components

Use the monitors in this set to monitor components that are not part of the standard SAP system.

See also:

Creating and Editing Monitor Sets

Transporting Monitor Sets and Monitor Definitions



A monitor is a set of monitoring tree elements (MTEs) that are arranged in a hierarchical structure (the Alert Monitoring Tree). As monitors are organized by topic, you can quickly check all of the important objects for this topic. Monitors are combined in monitor sets.


The quick collection of information and warning messages for specific areas of the system is normally part of the daily system administration work. For most problem situations, only a fraction of the information available in the monitor is required. For database problems, for example, you only need to work with the monitoring tree elements for the monitoring of the database.

There are therefore different monitors for the Alert Monitor, that each display information for an aspect of system management. These monitors are grouped into monitor sets. Within the monitoring architecture, you can create, copy, and edit monitors yourself, and transport monitors to other systems. In this way, you can create monitors that contain precisely the information that you need for your daily work. You can save and reuse all of your own monitors.

As the definition process is quick and easy, you can use a monitor of your own not only as a long-term, specialized work center, but also for short-term problem analysis or special monitoring. If, for example, you want to monitor the response time of a particular server, you can define a temporary monitor that monitors the response time, CPU utilization, and other relevant parameters for this server.

During the definition of monitors, you can use not only the existing nodes, but also virtual nodes and rule nodes. A virtual node structures the monitor; it is a heading or a description for the nodes created below it. A virtual node does not have a monitoring function itself.

A rule node specifies a rule that defines what should be included in the new monitor. The monitoring architecture interprets the rule and includes in the monitor the nodes that fulfill the selection criteria in the rule. The rules are regularly reinterpreted, so that your own monitor automatically corresponds to the current system landscape. A monitor defined with rules will, for example, automatically include a newly started SAP application server.

SAP deliver a range of predefined standard monitor sets with the SAP system. The standard monitors contained in these sets provide system administrators with a complete overview of the system and ready-to-use views for special tasks such as monitoring the database, background processing, the operating system, the system log, and the spool system. There is even a monitor for monitoring the monitoring architecture (CCMS Selfmonitoring).

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