Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Spool System Monitor in CCMS


You can use this monitor to check the utilization of the spool system, to identify bottlenecks, and to investigate errors. For a general introduction to the SAP spool system, see the Structure linkSAP Printing Guide.


System Wide Subtree

The current level of use of the number set for spool numbers, and the wait times and status attributes for the individual spool services of the system are displayed in the System Widesubtree.

This graphic is explained in the accompanying text

The following table provides information about the monitoring tree elements (MTEs) of this subtree:

MTE Name
(MTE Class)



Spool numbers that every output request is assigned


Percentage usage of the spool numbers; you must delete old output requests before this number reaches 100 percent


Is only displayed if the spool service belongs to an SAP application server


Wait time in the spool service in seconds

Spool Servers Subtree

Spool monitoring objects are displayed in the Spool Servers subtree, broken down by application server. Subtrees are only created for the servers with at least one spool work process.

This graphic is explained in the accompanying text

Entries in the Spool Category in the System Log (R3Syslog)

Messages in the spool category of the Structure linksystem log are displayed in the R3Syslog log attribute; you can set the category in which a message is reported, the message text, and the severity and criticality of the alert using the message ID in transaction SE92.


The SpoolService monitoring object contains the most important attributes about the spool system, its utilization, and the length of the wait queues. It includes the following MTEs:

MTE Name
(MTE Class)




Utilization of the spool work processes as a percentage


Number of spool work processes

You set the number of these work processes using the system parameter rdisp/wp_no_spo (For recommendations, see SAP Note 108799).


Number of errors in spool work processes

This MTE counts the number of errors since the monitoring segment was created (that is, since the application server was started)


Number of errors in spool work processes per minute


Number of spool work processes that terminated after errors

You can use the process overview (transaction SM50) to determine whether a work process should be started again after an error.


Used area of the dispatcher queue as a percentage

Output requests are buffered in the dispatcher queue on the spool server until a free work process accepts them.


Used area of the spool request queue as a percentage

The spool request queue takes output requests from the dispatcher queue when a free work process in the spool server accepts the output request.


Used area of the spool request queue for processing in chronological order as a percentage

If a spool server has several spool work processes, output requests can overtake each other. To maintain the sequence of requests, there are special work process-specific request queues, each with requests for one particular output device.


Number of pages in the spool request queue


Used area of the entire device cache as a percentage

The device cache contains device definitions and server assignments for all work processes. Entries are taken into the cache as required and can be removed again if the cache becomes full.


Used area of the fixed device cache as a percentage

This area contains information about the output devices for which there are requests in the host spool system that have not yet been reported as finished. The cache must therefore contain at least as many entries as the maximum number of devices that can be concurrently used.


Used area of the host spool request list as a percentage

The host spool request list limits the number of requests in the host spool that can be managed with the spool service. To minimize database accesses, the list must be stored in shared memory. It deals with status queries for the current requests.

For more information about this topic, see Structure linkMonitoring the Spool System and SAP Note 118057 (Flexible Configuration of the Spool Service of an SAP R/3 System).

Processing Groups

For classification of the output requests, we recommend that you assign both the output servers and the output devices to different classes. By having different spool servers that process different types (and priorities) of requests, you can avoid, or at least control, mutual obstruction of output requests. The Processing Groups node contains the possible processing groups:

MTE Name
(MTE Class)



ProcessingGroup Adm

Spool administration tasks


· Activation of delayed requests

· Deletion of obsolete requests

· Rerouting of requests in the case of server failure

ProcessingGroup Reg

Normal requests

Normal requests are requests to devices that are assigned to a spool server

ProcessingGroup Fro

Requests for front end output devices

Front end output devices are defined by the user at operating system level. In the SAP system, there must only be one output device with the access method F (Front end) that sends output to the user’s default printer.

ProcessingGroup Vol

Requests classified as mass printing

Mass printing means very large requests. Assign these requests to a separate spool server, to avoid obstruction of other output requests.

ProcessingGroup Pro

Requests classified as production printing

You should assign the output requests that are required for trouble-free production operation (such as receipts) to production printing. We recommend that you connect output devices for this processing group locally.

ProcessingGroup Dsk

Requests classified as desktop printing

You should assign printers at your workplace to the desktop printing processing group. As they are often not available, they could obstruct other tasks. We recommend that you do not use this processing group for output requests that are important for the routine operation of your company.

ProcessingGroup Tst

Requests classified as test printing

You should assign output devices that are used to test new device types or configurations to the test printing group.

Each of the various processing groups contains the following MTEs:

MTE Name
(MTE Class)



Number of work processes

GroupJobs (R3SpoolGroupJobs)

Number of requests

GroupPages (R3SpoolGroupPages)

Number of pages

GroupMinWPs (R3SpoolGroupMinWPs)

Reservation of work processes

GroupMaxWPs (R3SpoolGroupMaxWPs)

Restriction of the number of work processes


When reserving work processes (GroupMinWPs), note that these then remain unused even in a situation where there are no requests for this group, the other work processes are all occupied, and requests for other groups are waiting for processing. In the same way, restricting the maximum number of work processes (GroupMaxWPs) means that even if there are more requests waiting to be processed in this group, and other work processes are free, the number of work processes for this group cannot be increased.

Output Devices (Devices)

You can also monitor particular output devices that are especially important for the trouble-free production operation of your system using the monitoring architecture. You can do this in Spool Administration(transaction SPAD), by choosing the Output Attributes tab page for an output devices and selecting the Monitor using the monitoring architectureindicator (see also Structure linkOutput Devices in the SAP Spool System). If you have activated this monitoring for at least one output device, there are monitoring objects in the Devices subtree with the short name of the output device and the following MTEs:

MTE Name
(MTE Class)



Time that the output request spends in the wait queue of the output device

Pages/Min (R3MASpoolDevicePages/Min)

Print speed in pages per minute

Message (R3MASpoolDeviceMessage)

Status attribute that contains possible errors from the transfer of the output request to the host spool system


To start the monitor, follow the procedure below:


1. Start the Alert Monitor using transaction RZ20 or choose CCMS ® Control/Monitoring ® Alert Monitor.

2. On the CCMS Monitor Sets screen, expand the SAP CCMS Monitor Templates set.

3. Start the Spool System monitor from the list by double-clicking it.

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